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View the PDF document Title: 1968 Henry Holton short memoire Chinese work - Report
Dates: 1968: 1944: 1970: 1937: 1949: 1946: 1928
People: Henry: Holton: Zhao: Yang: Desterhalf: Florence: Mary: Genevieve: Newbern: Wallace: Wang: Fuhe: Guo: Junyi: Liutang: Liu: Enhou: Zhong: Benyong: Bao: Hankong: Enoch: Lian: Guanglin: Xie: Zhenru: Amy: Law: Lin: Darong: Li: Muzong: Zhentang: Cai: Yutao: Guangzhou
Places: Vietnam: Wuzhou: Cheung Chau: Cambodia: Hong Kong
Group: Bible School
Description: A short memory about Chinese works of Henry Holton
Pages: 3 Filesize: